As part of Pharmatrade’s Data Privacy policy, Pharmatrade will comply in all material respects with :
1. UAE Federal Decree-Law No. 45 of 2021 Regarding the Protection of Data Protection was issued on 20 September 2021 (UAE Data Protection Law) 1
2. Federal Law No. 1 of 2006 on Electronic Commerce and Transactions provides security measures of electronic transactions and ensures that electronic data is authentic and reliable.
3. Federal Law No. 5 of 2012 on combating cybercrimes (which establishes the definition of cybercrimes and associated penalties), and other privacy laws, rules, and regulations that may apply to the Company, its associates, or its customers in those countries where the Company has operations.
Pharmatrade will take reasonable steps that Personal Data and Sensitive Data are:
a.Obtained, where possible, directly from the Data Subject to whom the Personal Data relates.
b.Obtained and processed fairly and lawfully by the Company for General Business Purposes.
c.Relevant to and no more revealing than is necessary for General Business Purposes; and
d.Kept up to date to maintain data accuracy, while data is under the control of the Company, and kept only for so long as is reasonably necessary.
Pharmatrade will take reasonable precautions to protect Personal Data from loss, misuse, unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, and destruction. We protect your personal information by using data security technology and using tools such as firewalls and data encryption. We restrict access to personal information at our offices so that only officers and/or employees with a legitimate business purpose can access it only if needed.